Quick Start Guide


  1. Install pip install django-responsive-dashboard
  2. Add responsive_dashboard to INSTALLED_APPS
  3. Add url(r'^', include('responsive_dashboard.urls')) (I didn’t want to add a prefix, but you can if you want)
  4. Ensure django.template.loaders.eggs.Loader is in TEMPLATE_LOADERS
  5. Sync your database. You may use South ./manage.py migrate responsive_dashboard
  6. Either set RESPONSIVE_DASHBOARD_INCLUDE_JQUERY to True in settings.py or include jquery yourself in a template

You are done, but it won’t do anything yet!

Creating your first dashboard

Create a dashboards.py file in your app’s folder. Don’t place it in your project folder. Here is a simple example

from responsive_dashboard.dashboard import Dashboard, Dashlet, dashboards

class ExampleDashlet(Dashlet):

class ExampleDashboard(Dashboard):
    app = 'sis'
    title = 'optional'
    dashlets = [
        ExampleDashlet(title="Dashlet Events"),

dashboards.register('sis__optional', ExampleDashboard)

In my case my app was named sis but you could use anything here. The title is optional. Now go to /sis/optional/dashboard/ and you should see a pretty boring dashboard!

You probably want more than this. Check out the api reference (eh need create this) or the implementation in django-sis.